Camera Controls
You can pan your viewpoint (camera) around by using the shift key + middle mouse button, orbit around the center point by holding down the middle mouse button and dragging the mouse, and zooming in with the scroll wheel.
Alternatively, you can enter the alternative camera control mode by going into “View -> Switch Camera Control Mode”. This mode allows you to use WASD / Arrow Keys to pan the camera’s view around, and drag the middle mouse button to look around, more similarly to if you were actually standing in the space.
Pressing Numpad 5 switches the camera’s “projection mode” between perspective (a natural camera view) to orthographic (a camera view more suited towards engineering and architectural views, without simulated lens distortion).
You can also use the number pad to snap the camera to different orthographic angles:
- Numpad 7 snaps the view to the top
- Numpad 3 snaps the view to the left
- Numpad 1 snaps the view to the front
Using the CTRL key in combination with any of these number pad keys will snap the view to the opposite side (ex. CTRL + Numpad 7 will snap to the bottom)
Additionally, you can also use other number pad keys to adjust the orbit angle of the camera:
- Numpad 4 orbits left
- Numpad 6 orbits right
- Numpad 8 orbits up
- Numpad 2 orbits down
You can also trigger these number pad viewpoint adjustments through the Menu Bar.