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Transfer is a “doppler-spatializer” designed to work with the AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin standards, on Windows & Mac OS. This manual serves as a full explanation into every parameter and system featured within the scope of the plugin. It will be updated along with the program itself.

Be sure to check out the Common Features page to learn about capabilities that every Lese plugin has.


These controls are listed from top to bottom, for clarity’s sake. Some of these controls may not make sense unless they are cross referenced with others, which we will attempt to deal with.

Sound Positioning

Objects are positioned in transfer using two different control schemes. The primary one (and the one enabled by default) The primary control is a sphere which allows you to control the sound source in an orbital sense, where the sound target is determined by setting an azimuth and elevation value as well as a distance value. The secondary control scheme is an X/Y pad which allows you to set the sound target by placing it somewhere on a plane around the listener. The azimuth & elevation knobs are disabled when in the plane control mode.

The object positioning workflows are toggled between by pressing the square / circle button that is present underneath the control schemes, in between the azimuth and elevation knobs. Toggling between these two modes is somewhat seamless, as all that is happening is that the sound source’s target position is being changed.

The “Distance” slider which is on the left side on the bottom row of the knobs controls the maximum distance that the sound target is able to be set to. When in orbital mode this maximum distance is what is always being set to, but in the plane control mode this maximum value is the maximum value that the edges of the X/Y pad are at.

The “Speed” / “Smoothing” knobs determine the speed of the sound source. The Speed knob sets a constant rate in meters per second that the sound source will travel towards the target position at, while the Smoothing knob is a rough estimate in seconds as to how long it will take for the sound target to get to the position. These movement modes can be switched between by clicking the “Mode” / “M” button which is next to the knob.

Spatial Controls & Toggles

Transfer allows for certain aspects of its processing to be enabled / disabled / altered to however you see fit. On the top row of the control panel (below the positioning panel) you will see four buttons (the reflection toggle is looked at in the next section):

Doppler: The doppler toggle enables & disables the processing of doppler shift when the sound moves around the listener.

Damping: The damping toggle changes whether or not Transfer is doing distance-based sound dampening (i.e when turned off, the sound amplitude will remain the same regardless of positioning / the distance value)

Binaural / Stereo: The spatial switch changes Transfer’s spatial processing mode from binaural spatial processing to stereo spatial processing. Binaural processing is more suited towards headphone listeners, while stereo processing is optimal for more conventional two-speaker setups.

Underneath these toggles, and besides the azimuth & elevation sliders, there are value boxes that contain a “Separation” value, as well as a “Spread” value. Separation adjusts the “width split” of the sound, while the spread decreases the level of spatial accuracy that the listener has when trying to localize the sound as its value increases. 

Separation is available when operating in either the Binaural or Stereo processing mode, while Spread is disabled for binaural (as it is directly relating to the binaural processor, and not applicable in stereo).

Reflection Processing

In version 1.2.0, Transfer introduced a reflections processor which allows for Transfer to simulate early & late reflections in real-time using Lese’s Impulse Engine. The Reflections toggle on the top strip of the control panel allows for the reflections simulation to be enabled. Additionally, the “room” button above it switches the control panel over to the reflections panel editor.

The component on the left side of the editor allows for the adjustment of the space’s dimensions. When “Size Sync” is not enabled, the dimensions are adjustable by either changing each dimension manually through the sliders / XYZ number boxes, or by adjusting your mouse wheel while above the component. When Size Sync is enabled, this component is not enabled, as the reflections processor is using a space that is based off of the value provided by the “Distance” knob on the original editor panel.

On the right side of the panel, the Early & Late reflections can be enabled & disabled, as well as their volume adjusted via use of the two “Volume” knobs. When both toggles are disabled then reflections are not being processed, and the rest of the components are non-interactive.

Finally, the “Room Model” dropdown menu adjusts the reflection processor’s internals to attempt to simulate the early & late reflections differently. Adjusting these algorithms can affect the volume of the early reflections and the multiband qualities & length of the late reflections (the reverb tail)

Room Models

  • Bedroom: Simulates a space with drywall walls, a concrete ceiling, and a wooden floor.
  • Stone Cellar: Simulates a space with brick on the walls & floor, and a wooden ceiling.
  • Soundproof Chamber: Simulates a space with thick, heavy foam on every surface.
  • Treated Room: Simulates a space with light curtains on all of the walls, a carpeted floor, and a concrete ceiling.
  • Reverb Room: Simulates a space with hard concrete on every surface.
  • Curtains: Simulates a space with heavy curtains on every surface.